General Health
Car Seat Safety

Using a car seat safely is so important. The links below provide information on car seat options, safe use and proper installation.
Car Seat Types - It can be confusing to know which type of car seat your child needs and when (rear facing, forward facing, booster seat, etc.)! The AAP provides a easy to read guide on the proper use of each type of car seat.
Car Seat Product Guide - With so many car seats on the market, deciding on one can seem overwhelming. The AAP provides a list of available car seats with their size limits and price.
Installing a Car Seat - The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers free videos reviewing how to install each different type of car seat
Rear Facing Installation
Forward Facing Installation
Booster Seat Installation
Water Safety

Swimming is a popular activity during the summer. Check out these helpful resources below to keep your kids safe around water.
Water Watcher Card - A Water Watcher is a responsible adult who agrees to watch the kids in the water without distractions and wear a Water Watcher card. After a certain amount of time (such as 15-minutes), the Water Watcher card is passed to another adult, who is responsible for the active supervision. Download this free water watcher card from
Watery Safety Training - The American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program is available at aquatic facilities across the country. Developed by experts in the industry and taught by trained, professional instructors, our swimming and water safety classes are administered locally at facilities nationwide
Vaping & E-Cigarettes

Electronic nicotine devices have become popular among teens however research continues to show these products are dangerous to their health, including a lung disease specifically related to vaping. These resources can help you start the conversation with your teen about the dangers of e-cigarettes.
Facts for Parents - A brief summary of the risks and dangers associated with e-cigarette use
Overview of EVALI - The CDC provides an extensive review on the newly described e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI)
Tip Sheet - A tip sheet from the CDC created for parents
Helpful Sites & Articles

Listed below are great sources of information for general questions regarding your child's health.
HealthyChildren.Org - the official American Academy of Pediatrics Web site for parents. Backed by 66,000 pediatricians, offers general information about children's health as well as specific guidance on parenting issues
Well Visit Planner - creates a personalized visit guide for parents or guardians of children ages 4 months to 3 years old who are scheduled to have a well-child visit
Milestone Tracker App - Track your child’s milestones from age 2 months to 5 years
Symptom Checker - interactive website from the AAP to check your child's symptoms